The Great Ice-Cream Robbery. Tate Gallery, London, 1970 - ACE028.3

1971. The Great Ice-Cream Robbery. Tate Gallery, London, 1970 - ACE028.3.

TitleThe Great Ice-Cream Robbery. Tate Gallery, London, 1970 - ACE028.3

Oldenburg Wilke followed by film crew walking near Willesden Junction on path between railway tracks, cooling towers near Acton Lane towers in background. Hawaiian music over. Young women’s knees as they walk along. You Don't Have to be a Baby to Cry over. Black. Oldenburg drawing cooling tower and discusses their function with Ben Brewster. Black. Black and white footage of policeman with ice-cream trolley being towed by police van. Black. Slide show. Piano over, with woman’s voice saying "next" to change slides. Piano continues over film of Oldenburg and Wilke leaving gallery and sitting down on grass to dismantle and eat a layered cake representing two mice in bed. Widor’s Toccata and other music simultaneously over.

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The Great Ice-Cream Robbery. Tate Gallery, London, 1970 - ACE028.2
1971. The Great Ice-Cream Robbery. Tate Gallery, London, 1970 - ACE028.2.

The Great Ice-Cream Robbery. Tate Gallery, London, 1970 - ACE028.4
1971. The Great Ice-Cream Robbery. Tate Gallery, London, 1970 - ACE028.4.

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