St Adolf II. Adolf Wölfli 1864-1930. Painter, writer, composer - ACE031.3

1971. St Adolf II. Adolf Wölfli 1864-1930. Painter, writer, composer - ACE031.3.

TitleSt Adolf II. Adolf Wölfli 1864-1930. Painter, writer, composer - ACE031.3

Dr Rast talks about his experiences of visiting Wölfli in his cell, saying that this became easier once Wölfli had started drawing and painting. Music drawn from Wölfli’s work played over designs which incorporate musical notation. Designs from the Waldau Hospital’s own collection. Frustrated by the Catastrophe Before the Holy Ghost… The Fire Serpent; Wölfli’s description of it over. A design incorporating the words St Adolf Bank St Adolf Schloss St Adolf Fabrik St Adolf Hotel;Wölfli’s description of it over. An early pencil drawing showing farm worker John; Wölfli’s description over tells how John raped the farmer’s child and the consequences of this act. Details of The Barena Viaduct. Music played over. Collage incorporating photographs of young women. Design accompanied by Wölfli’s words over, "Ah, could I but see it all over again with the miraculous help of God The Father Almighty…" Black and white design "Adolf Wölfli, Catastrophe Reformed". Credits.

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St Adolf II. Adolf Wölfli 1864-1930. Painter, writer, composer - ACE031.2
1971. St Adolf II. Adolf Wölfli 1864-1930. Painter, writer, composer - ACE031.2.

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