Jim Stirling’s Architecture - ACE036.4

1973. Jim Stirling’s Architecture - ACE036.4.

TitleJim Stirling’s Architecture - ACE036.4

Another project, the Florey Building, Queen’s College, Oxford (1966), where the building materials are red brick, red ceramic tiles, and glass. Commentary points out features of the design, angles of surfaces, hard surfaces, a high standard of brick-laying, a sliding metal gate, etc. Stirling’s VO talking about the asymmetric nature of the site which led to "an asymmetric solution" for the design. One of Stirling’s team talking about the functionality of design, producing more space than a conventionally vertical building. He explains that he started from Stirling’s original concept, and worked out the details for things like services, staircases, etc. Commentary talks about the relationship between the building and its natural surroundings.

Web address (URL)https://player.bfi.org.uk/free

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/v58yv/jim-stirling-s-architecture-ace036-4

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