Blast - ACE049.4

1975. Blast - ACE049.4.

TitleBlast - ACE049.4

Details from Lewis’s The Crowd, aka The Revolution (1914-1915). Commentary points out that war was declared only a month after the first issue of Blast was published. The second issue. Nevinson’s A Bursting Shell (1915) and Returning to the Trenches (1914). Footage of soldiers, tanks, guns firing, etc. Quotations from Blast. Battlefield; notice for the death of Gaudier-Brzeska; Hulme was also killed. Commentary says that survivors "turned back to representation" – drawings and paintings including Bomberg’s Sappers at Work (1917), Nevinson’s A Battery Shelled. Lewis. Others by Lewis, one in which Wadsworth modelled for an officer. Footage of troops ship covered in "dazzle camouflage". Quotation from Blast. Some of Wadsworth’s and his painting Dazzle Ships in Dry Dock at Liverpool (1919). Variation on Epstein’s Rock Driller; without legs and an arm. Flower painting by Bomberg. Roberts’s The Vorticists at the Restaurant de la Tour Eiffel: Spring, 1915 (1961-1962). Abstract photographs of Ezra Pound and other subjects by Alvin Langdon Coburn. Roberts’s The Cinema (1920) and another. Lewis’s The Surrender of Barcelona (1936), both in a Surrealist style. British Movietone News item, Mr. Wyndham Lewis His Picture, showing Lewis with his painting of T. S. Eliot, rejected by the Royal Academy. Caption: "‘The Vorticist Group was a band of young painters – established in 1914, to make England a land safe for a pictorial hero to live in. It did not succeed! England continues to be a place highly unsafe for a pictorial hero to live in.’ Wyndham Lewis 1939". Credits.

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Blast - ACE049.2
1975. Blast - ACE049.2.

Blast - ACE049.3
1975. Blast - ACE049.3.

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