Carved in Ivory - ACE051.2

1975. Carved in Ivory - ACE051.2.

TitleCarved in Ivory - ACE051.2

Credits. Carved ivory comb, Viking dragon head, gorgon head; other items. Commentary says this tradition of craftsmanship began in monasteries. Mediaeval paintings illustrating commentary saying that early Christians travelled widely and Christian monks "became the clerks and confidants of kings". The "Franks Casket", the earliest known piece of English ivory carving, from around 700 C.E. Details of the carvings, illustrating various Biblical, Roman and other stories. Clark says it has no particular style and calls it "a muddle". A slightly later casket in which "the mastery of style is complete". Diptych from Northumbrian monastery, with designs in Eastern style. Wooden Viking carving. Coastal ruin. Commentary explains that the Vikings "wiped out" "the great monastic centres of Northumbria and Canterbury" together with their manuscripts and ivories. Ivory and gold crucifix. Commentary talks about the "humanity" of English ivory carving of this period. Book with carved ivory panel on cover. Fragment from Winchester showing two angels. Details of an ivory Nativity, now in a museum in Liverpool. An oval Virgin and Child. Another Virgin and Child. One of the Magi. Small box beside walrus tusk. Details of the box.

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Carved in Ivory - ACE051.3
1975. Carved in Ivory - ACE051.3.

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