Sam Smith Genuine England - ACE058.3

1976. Sam Smith Genuine England - ACE058.3.

TitleSam Smith Genuine England - ACE058.3

Man’s head: "The story so far: a man punting along is joined by a woman from a dream." "A dream lasts longer." Smith’s VO describes the dynamic between the couple. "A Second Groom being rowed across the Lake by his Third Bride look!" and "The third Bride rows her second Groom across the Lake": Smith describes them and why she’s rowing. More from this sequence with Smith commenting on the characters. He talks about being "fascinated by how people dress up for special occasions…" A Classic Union. Smith VO talking about how one idea will last only until he’s made a few things relating to it. Photographs of Edwardian park scene. Wooden camera and model. Bad Ems. Horse and rider; lion and rider. Collection of figures including Naïve Man, Poor Man. Memories HMS Indefatigable; The Daughter of the Regiment. A Suspicious Birdfeeder – details, including the Sam Smith Genuine England stamp. The man and his bench of characters; details; others. Smith’s VO talking about a landscape painting he once submitted to the Royal Academy; he says his natural language is wood. Woman and policeman; I Was Young Once. Smith lowering the blinds. Credits.

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Sam Smith Genuine England - ACE058.2
1976. Sam Smith Genuine England - ACE058.2.

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