Dread Beat and Blood - ACE065.9

1979. Dread Beat and Blood - ACE065.9.

TitleDread Beat and Blood - ACE065.9

Johnson at the Railton Community Centre. Describes his poem about George Lindo, convicted of a robbery even though three white friends testified to his innocence. Dem frame up George Lindo up in Bradford town… (It dread inna inglan.) Footage of people, Johnson among them, at a rally in support of Lindo; Johnson’s recitation over. Johnson in recording studio, performing same poem. Intercut with footage of Bradford demonstration at which Johnson recites the poem again. Johnson says he believes that art reflects changes within the wider society; people’s material struggle is what brings about political change. Credits.

Web address (URL)https://player.bfi.org.uk/rentals/film/watch-dread-beat-and-blood-1979-online

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/v5960/dread-beat-and-blood-ace065-9

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Dread Beat and Blood - ACE065.2
1979. Dread Beat and Blood - ACE065.2.

Dread Beat and Blood - ACE065.3
1979. Dread Beat and Blood - ACE065.3.

Dread Beat and Blood - ACE065.4
1979. Dread Beat and Blood - ACE065.4.

Dread Beat and Blood - ACE065.5
1979. Dread Beat and Blood - ACE065.5.

Dread Beat and Blood - ACE065.6
1979. Dread Beat and Blood - ACE065.6.

Dread Beat and Blood - ACE065.7
1979. Dread Beat and Blood - ACE065.7.

Dread Beat and Blood - ACE065.8
1979. Dread Beat and Blood - ACE065.8.

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