Radiating the Fruit of Truth - ACE070.6

1978. Radiating the Fruit of Truth - ACE070.6.

TitleRadiating the Fruit of Truth - ACE070.6

Full moon. Monks blowing dungs (horns). Subtitles: "Hayagriva, a wrathful manifestation of the transmutative wisdom and compassion which lies at the heart of all that appear. Hayagriva manifests that power of mind which transmutes the rages of attachment, bewilderment and aversion. The aim of ‘A Beautiful Ornament’ is to overcome the gross emanations of these delusions…" Caption: "Herein lies ‘A Beautiful Ornament’ a ritual in the cycle known as sDrolma gYul zLog composed by the Noble Nagarjuna." The cosmogram in the monastery. Monks taking their places. The Abbot preparing himself. Statue of Tara and offerings. Murals. Chanting, music, drilbus (bells), prayers, etc.

Web address (URL)https://player.bfi.org.uk/free

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/v5981/radiating-the-fruit-of-truth-ace070-6

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1978. Radiating the Fruit of Truth - ACE070.12.

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