The Third Front. Political theatre: Erwin Piscator - ACE079.5

1978. The Third Front. Political theatre: Erwin Piscator - ACE079.5.

TitleThe Third Front. Political theatre: Erwin Piscator - ACE079.5

Caption: "1928-31 Contradictions in the times." Piscator on his need to borrow money to pay salaries despite the success of the theatre; while the "first night" audiences might "distort" the politics, they were financially necessary as the "proletariat" did not buy even the cheap seats. Posters, sketches, posters, etc; Der Kaufmann von Berlin opens at the second Piscatorbühne. New productions. "A revolutionary theatre is absurd without its most vital element – a revolutionary audience." Caption: "‘…Now you know how it all can end never forget how it all began.’" Piscator saying that it is not the individual production that matters, but reaching the goal of superseding "bourgeois theatre in terms of philosophy, dramatic theory, technique and staging … This reconstruction cannot succeed in isolation…". Caption: "‘I should like to think that the result of this … will be to help to unite the forces which share our desire to fight on the third, the cultural front for the breakthrough of a new epoch.’ Erwin Piscator ‘The Political Theatre’." Credits.

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The Third Front. Political theatre: Erwin Piscator - ACE079.2
1978. The Third Front. Political theatre: Erwin Piscator - ACE079.2.

The Third Front. Political theatre: Erwin Piscator - ACE079.3
1978. The Third Front. Political theatre: Erwin Piscator - ACE079.3.

The Third Front. Political theatre: Erwin Piscator - ACE079.4
1978. The Third Front. Political theatre: Erwin Piscator - ACE079.4.

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