Correction Please; or, How we got into pictures - ACE084.6

1979. Correction Please; or, How we got into pictures - ACE084.6.

TitleCorrection Please; or, How we got into pictures - ACE084.6

Close shot of car driving past camera to allow view of Williamson’s anxious face. Same plot as before; moving camera, close shots of significant actions or objects, etc.; synch sound (with dialogue and VO thoughts) throughout. Peeping Tom turns out to be Countess’s father.

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Correction Please; or, How we got into pictures - ACE084.2
1979. Correction Please; or, How we got into pictures - ACE084.2.

Correction Please; or, How we got into pictures - ACE084.3
1979. Correction Please; or, How we got into pictures - ACE084.3.

Correction Please; or, How we got into pictures - ACE084.4
1979. Correction Please; or, How we got into pictures - ACE084.4.

Correction Please; or, How we got into pictures - ACE084.5
1979. Correction Please; or, How we got into pictures - ACE084.5.

Correction Please; or, How we got into pictures - ACE084.7
1979. Correction Please; or, How we got into pictures - ACE084.7.

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