Fathers of Pop - ACE085.3

1979. Fathers of Pop - ACE085.3.

TitleFathers of Pop - ACE085.3

Photographs of ICA interior, and of Edoardo Paolozzi. Some of Paolozzi’s work incorporating images from commercial art, science fiction illustrations, and so on; Banham points out that this caused a great stir in 1952, though such things may be commonplace today. Photograph of Paolozzi with Alison and Peter Smithson and Nigel Henderson. Henderson describing the event during which Paolozzi showed his collection.More items from the collection. Henderson VO. Alloway on Paolozzi, the event, and the "pop art continuum". More images. Banham says this was the beginning of the process by which mass media imagery becomes incorporated in to the yet to be invented "pop art". Part of Movietone News item: Neville Duke’s Air Speed Record (1953). Demonstrations of new inventions – video telephone, etc. Space rocket taking off over New Mexico. Populist demonstration of chain reaction of atomic bomb; atomic bomb explosion; Banham VO talking about technology and communication media being dominant themes in their work, though they recognised that there were horrors as well as wonders. Newsreel item on Hiroshima (1945).

Web address (URL)https://player.bfi.org.uk/free

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/v59w2/fathers-of-pop-ace085-3

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