The Boldon Lad. Aspects of traditional music in working class Britain - ACE092.4

1980. The Boldon Lad. Aspects of traditional music in working class Britain - ACE092.4.

TitleThe Boldon Lad. Aspects of traditional music in working class Britain - ACE092.4

Caption: "Brixton, S.W.9." Street market. Stallholder (Bob Keightley). Keightley at the piano, singing Has anybody seen my tiddler…? and others. Caption: "Webheath, Warwickshire." Cosmotheka (Dave and Al Sealey) performing I’ve only come down for the day. Dave and Al Sealey saying they don’t want to turn professional as they’d no longer enjoy what they do. They don’t consider their songs to be "old" and don’t want to dress up to perform them. Cosmotheka performing Timothy let’s have a look at it. Caption: "Cosmotheka. Dave & Al Sealey." Doughty singing Martha the water-cress girl. Caption: "Johnny Doughty." Keightley singing That’s what I got for being kind. Caption: "Bob Keightley." Power playing. Caption: "Jimmy Power." Davenport singing. Caption: "Bob Davenport." The Boldon Banjos. Caption: "Tom Ford." Mechanical clog dancers and banjo player, If you knew Susie. Caption: "Sep Broughton." Credits.

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The Boldon Lad. Aspects of traditional music in working class Britain - ACE092.2
1980. The Boldon Lad. Aspects of traditional music in working class Britain - ACE092.2.

The Boldon Lad. Aspects of traditional music in working class Britain - ACE092.3
1980. The Boldon Lad. Aspects of traditional music in working class Britain - ACE092.3.

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