Chance, History, Art... - ACE093.6

1980. Chance, History, Art... - ACE093.6.

TitleChance, History, Art... - ACE093.6

Caption: "Jimmy Boyle, born 1944 – Artist serving life imprisonment." Sculptures. Photograph of children playing on Gulliver – the Gentle Giant That Cares and Shares (1976). Boyle says that getting a life-sentence set him free as he could imagine being somewhere else, using his mind in ways he’d never done before; had never realised that he had a creative side before. Suggests that many people keep their creativity hidden as to show it would demonstrate weakness. Even with this "freedom", the pain of confinement is always present. Hayward Gallery, London. Singing over. Caption: "Heyhill Prison Male Voice Choir ‘Hey Look Me Over’." Reversed footage of South Bank complex, intercut with Boyle on the bicycle. Photograph of prison interior. Voice of Artaud translated in caption as: "‘If there had never been any doctors there never would have been any sick people because society began with doctors and not with sick people.’" Photographs and sketches of Artaud and his studio. Caption: "Antonin Artaud, 1896-1948, Extract from broadcast 1947: ‘Those alive are living off the dead but death too must live. In electric shock treatment there is a limp state which every traumatised victim goes through, not so that he can recognise what he was when he was himself, but to misinterpret it frightfully and desperately. I’ve been through it…… and I won’t forget it…..’" John McKeon in performance, plays violin. Small girl painting. Caption: "Lusha Kellgren, born 1972." Girl painting. Caption: "‘Poetry should be made by all, not one.’ Lautreámont." Credits.

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Chance, History, Art... - ACE093.2
1980. Chance, History, Art... - ACE093.2.

Chance, History, Art... - ACE093.3
1980. Chance, History, Art... - ACE093.3.

Chance, History, Art... - ACE093.4
1980. Chance, History, Art... - ACE093.4.

Chance, History, Art... - ACE093.5
1980. Chance, History, Art... - ACE093.5.

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