Over Here. Irish music and dance in England - ACE096.4

1980. Over Here. Irish music and dance in England - ACE096.4.

TitleOver Here. Irish music and dance in England - ACE096.4

Night street scenes. Woman’s VO singing Ewan McColl’s Britain’s Motorways. Caption: "St. Brendan’s Club, Coventry, West Midlands." Singer continues. Scenes in the club. Man sings The Home I Left Behind. Step-dancing. Commentary talks about everyone in the clubs knowing each other and the songs and dances being common property, relating to shared historical and personal experience. Boy sings James Connolly. Caption: "Lucy Farr recalls the Ballinakill Céilí Band. At home, Lewisham, S. London." Farr playing fiddle. Commentary talks about the band and their music. Farr talks about "the Ballinakill sound", about the musicians, and relates an anecdote about two of them trying to work out a particular tune.

Web address (URL)https://www.bfi.org.uk/bfi-national-archive/search-bfi-archive

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/v59z5/over-here-irish-music-and-dance-in-england-ace096-4

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Over Here. Irish music and dance in England - ACE096.2
1980. Over Here. Irish music and dance in England - ACE096.2.

Over Here. Irish music and dance in England - ACE096.3
1980. Over Here. Irish music and dance in England - ACE096.3.

Over Here. Irish music and dance in England - ACE096.5
1980. Over Here. Irish music and dance in England - ACE096.5.

Over Here. Irish music and dance in England - ACE096.6
1980. Over Here. Irish music and dance in England - ACE096.6.

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