David Hockney on Modern Art - ACE101.5

1981. David Hockney on Modern Art - ACE101.5.

TitleDavid Hockney on Modern Art - ACE101.5

DH: Faces are the hardest things to do and hands are the next hardest. Art school exam models could not be posed with hands hidden. Picasso’s etching Suite Vollard 83: Minotaur with Cup in Hand and Young Woman (1933): focuses on the hands. Picasso drawings of reclining couple: the incredible skill of being able to depict the difference in male and female skin in a line drawing.
MB: But that’s not what worries people when they talk about modern art; even the "fidgetty fingers" are quite realistic compared with some things presented over the last forty or fifty years.
DH: Picasso portrait – DH describes the figure as "a nun". A painting executed when Picasso was 90 (c.1970). One from 1965. Picasso didn’t bother with the background because that’s not what the watcher is interested in: the picture concentrates on the woman.

Web address (URL)https://player.bfi.org.uk/free

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/v5q0w/david-hockney-on-modern-art-ace101-5

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1981. David Hockney on Modern Art - ACE101.2.

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1981. David Hockney on Modern Art - ACE101.6.

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