The Eternal Day of Michel de Ghelderode 1892-1962. Synthesis - Mask - Spectacle - ACE103.5

1981. The Eternal Day of Michel de Ghelderode 1892-1962. Synthesis - Mask - Spectacle - ACE103.5.

TitleThe Eternal Day of Michel de Ghelderode 1892-1962. Synthesis - Mask - Spectacle - ACE103.5

Caption: "Final synthesis. 1934. Masques Ostendais. Pantomime. Sortilèges. Hop, Signor! " Various characters, including the two Masks from the Ensor painting, the two dwarfs, etc; Ghelderode VO saying that we have several faces and "we will never reduce this aspect of one’s being to one sole mask, but multiple… And the masks will take their vengeance upon you". A skeleton: "We are living in an age lacking in marvels". Caption: "Epitaphe. Here lies this author with a dramatic existence Michel de Ghelderode alone of his kind and last of his name do not imitate his example and abstain from thinking of him in your prayers from the depths of the infinite he’ll bore the shit out of you."; VO reads this in French. Credits.

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The Eternal Day of Michel de Ghelderode 1892-1962. Synthesis - Mask - Spectacle - ACE103.2
1981. The Eternal Day of Michel de Ghelderode 1892-1962. Synthesis - Mask - Spectacle - ACE103.2.

The Eternal Day of Michel de Ghelderode 1892-1962. Synthesis - Mask - Spectacle - ACE103.3
1981. The Eternal Day of Michel de Ghelderode 1892-1962. Synthesis - Mask - Spectacle - ACE103.3.

The Eternal Day of Michel de Ghelderode 1892-1962. Synthesis - Mask - Spectacle - ACE103.4
1981. The Eternal Day of Michel de Ghelderode 1892-1962. Synthesis - Mask - Spectacle - ACE103.4.

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