Basil Bunting. An introduction to the work of a poet. - ACE116.4

1982. Basil Bunting. An introduction to the work of a poet. - ACE116.4.

TitleBasil Bunting. An introduction to the work of a poet. - ACE116.4

Bunting at home, talking about the development of standard English and the sound of poetry, relating how contemporary poets had difficulty in understanding Wordsworth when he spoke because of his accent. Bunting feels Wordsworth’s poetry is more musical when read with "broad vowels". Stonemason. Bunting’s VO reciting Briggflatts. Bull. Bunting. His VO talking about "the effort to remember" Briggflatts, though the various episodes are based on his own life, and thus constitute his autobiography. Farmer turning cut grass. Bunting’s VO reciting Briggflatts. Walking along the road. Fire; exterior Bunting’s house in evening. Bunting sitting by the fire. His VO reciting Briggflatts. Stonemason. Bunting’s VO on "writing with a chisel", which requires as few words as possible, and words which are both correct and short. He believes too much is written. The Codex Lindsifarnensis. Bunting’s VO describing the complexity and subtlety of its design. Water at the prow of a boat. Bunting’s VO reciting Briggflatts. Bunting sitting in his garden. VO continues. Sea. VO continues. Bunting by his fire. He talks about dancing as a universal experience, and the development of accompaniment by drum and other instruments, as well as by song, which is the beginning of poetry. Bunting driving through countryside; the Quaker Meeting House at Briggflatts. His VO reciting Briggflatts. Inside the Meeting House; members of the congregation sit in silence. Bunting’s VO talking about Quaker beliefs and his own experiences. Inside the Meeting House. Bunting’s VO reciting Briggflatts. Water at the prow of the boat; the stonemason. Bunting’s VO continues. Bunting at home, reciting Briggflatts. Credits

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Basil Bunting. An introduction to the work of a poet. - ACE116.2
1982. Basil Bunting. An introduction to the work of a poet. - ACE116.2.

Basil Bunting. An introduction to the work of a poet. - ACE116.3
1982. Basil Bunting. An introduction to the work of a poet. - ACE116.3.

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