Eugene Atget Photographer - ACE118.6

1982. Eugene Atget Photographer - ACE118.6.

TitleEugene Atget Photographer - ACE118.6

Narrator/Curator receives letter. Photographs of water features including Rue des Ursins and Jardin de Luxembourg, Remarquable Fountaine de Medicis (1898). Man Ray looking at photographs at Atget’s home; Atget agrees to publication but without his name attached. La Revolution Surréaliste with the Eclipse photograph on the front, and Boulevard de Strasbourg (1912). Pictures from a series on prostitutes, commissioned in1921 by a Surrealist artist; Narrator suggests that this and similar small series, connected him to generations of artists, "fascinated with the margins of city life…": Versailles; Prostitute, rue Asseline; Maison Close (with soldier and woman); Maison Close (the building); Rue Asseline (1924-1925). Narrator suggests that Baudelaire’s description of rag-pickers could describe Atget: some of his photographs: Porte d'Asnières - Cité Trébert (1913); Porte de Montreuil - fortifications - extra muros / Rag-pickers' Hut (1910), and others. Some of Atget’s early series of "marginal subjects" including: Marchand d’abat-jours, rue Lepic; Marchand de Parapluies (1899-1900); Joueur de l’orgue, Versailles. Atget at home after wife has died; showing photographs to Abbott. Abbott VO says that Atget spoke to her about "his difficulties". Narrator says that after the war, Atget developed "a more personal, elegiac mood". Various statues. Abbott photographing Atget; her VO describes this. She asks why he doesn’t take commissions and he replies that "people do not know what to photograph". Pool, parc de Sceaux; Vieux Moulin, Charenton; A la Biche, 35 rue Geoffrey Saint-Hilaire; Allée de l’eté, parc de Versailles; Joueur de l’orgue. Credits.

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Eugene Atget Photographer - ACE118.2
1982. Eugene Atget Photographer - ACE118.2.

Eugene Atget Photographer - ACE118.3
1982. Eugene Atget Photographer - ACE118.3.

Eugene Atget Photographer - ACE118.4
1982. Eugene Atget Photographer - ACE118.4.

Eugene Atget Photographer - ACE118.5
1982. Eugene Atget Photographer - ACE118.5.

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