Frida Kahlo & Tina Modotti - ACE119.3

1983. Frida Kahlo & Tina Modotti - ACE119.3.

TitleFrida Kahlo & Tina Modotti - ACE119.3

BIOGRAPHY. TINA MODOTTI JOURNEYS AND EXILES 1896-1942. Map of Europe showing location of Udine. Commentary describes her family background. Map showing San Francisco, Los Angeles, Mexico City and Tehuantepec. Commentary says that Modotti was expelled from Mexico in 1930. Map showing Rotterdam, Berlin, Moscow, Paris, Spain. Map showing Mexico City. FRIDA KAHLO THE BLUE HOUSE 1907-1954. Contemporary film of the gardens and interior of the Kahlo family house on the outskirts of Mexico City. Commentary gives facts about her life, including her relationship with Diego Rivera, her motor accident, interior shots of her own decorations and Mexican domestic and artistic artefacts. INWARD outward. INWARD. Caption: "Frida Kahlo dissected the private hidden aspects of her life. She found visible images for an invisible interior." The Mask (1945), which the commentary says "both shows and hides". Self-Portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird (1940), Self-Portrait with Braid (1941), Diego in My Thoughts (aka Self-Portrait as a Tehuana) (1943), Diego and I (1949). Moses (aka Nucleus of Creation, 1945), What the Water Gave Me (1938), paintings of the unconscious, The Dream (aka The Bed, 1940), Without Hope (1945). Self-Portrait with Heavy Necklace (1933). Self-Portrait (1926); Self-Portrait with Hair Loose (1947), Self-Portrait with Small Monkey (1945), Self-Portrait with Monkeys (1943), Self-Portrait with Monkey and Necklace (1938). The same sequence of paintings shown in reverse order. Caption: "Outward. Tina Modotti worked in the streets, the outside world. She watched the Mexican people, their condition and their revolution." Photographs by Modotti, many of hands, people working, etc. Modotti learned photography from Edward Weston. Photographs of plants which bring out their natural geometric qualities. Formalist photographs of buildings, etc. The same sequence of photographs shown in reverse order.

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Frida Kahlo & Tina Modotti - ACE119.2
1983. Frida Kahlo & Tina Modotti - ACE119.2.

Frida Kahlo & Tina Modotti - ACE119.4
1983. Frida Kahlo & Tina Modotti - ACE119.4.

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