The Pantomime Dame - ACE123.5

1981. The Pantomime Dame - ACE123.5.

TitleThe Pantomime Dame - ACE123.5

Lacy (Queen Gertrude in Cinderella), Scott, Tripp, Dainty and Laidlaw all in performance. Laidlaw changing costume; VO talking about the stereotype elements of the characters. Lacy and Scott on stage. Lacy, Scott and Dainty changing costume. Wood points out that the Dame changes through the pantomime from mother figure to more and more outrageous parody. Scott, Tripp and Dainty in dance numbers. Lacy in new costume. His VO says Dames have a certain amount of licence and can get away with quite crude gags. In performance.

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The Pantomime Dame - ACE123.2
1981. The Pantomime Dame - ACE123.2.

The Pantomime Dame - ACE123.3
1981. The Pantomime Dame - ACE123.3.

The Pantomime Dame - ACE123.4
1981. The Pantomime Dame - ACE123.4.

The Pantomime Dame - ACE123.6
1981. The Pantomime Dame - ACE123.6.

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