Against the Grain. The Sapperton group of craftsmen designers - ACE127.5

1983. Against the Grain. The Sapperton group of craftsmen designers - ACE127.5.

TitleAgainst the Grain. The Sapperton group of craftsmen designers - ACE127.5

Examples and details of furniture and décor, including a table, a small inlaid chest of drawers, a towel rail; a child’s cot, etc.; commentary talks about the wood used in different circumstances, design features and flaws, and notes that construction features are displayed and form part of the design itself. Farm wagon: similarity of design in other items where practical ideas, e.g., chamfering (carving out of scallop shapes to lighten timbers), are used for decoration. Items displaying cabinet-making techniques: ebony and holly stringing; Dutch-related design; inlaid Italian chest; mother-of-pearl ornament on cabinet legs; box inlaid with ivory and silver. Commentary points out that, at Daneway, one man would carry through a construction from beginning to end. Edward Barnsley’s workshop at Froxfield, Hampshire; Barnsley talking about the satisfaction of "being a maker of things". Making wooden joints and constructing a drawer. Edward Barnsley’s daughter, Karin Antonini, explains the early stages of training. Joinery; using machinery and hand-tools; apprentice being shown how to use sliding bevel; apprentice explains how he is making a herring-bone inlay. Antonini shows table-desk made by apprentice. Workshop.

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Against the Grain. The Sapperton group of craftsmen designers - ACE127.2
1983. Against the Grain. The Sapperton group of craftsmen designers - ACE127.2.

Against the Grain. The Sapperton group of craftsmen designers - ACE127.3
1983. Against the Grain. The Sapperton group of craftsmen designers - ACE127.3.

Against the Grain. The Sapperton group of craftsmen designers - ACE127.4
1983. Against the Grain. The Sapperton group of craftsmen designers - ACE127.4.

Against the Grain. The Sapperton group of craftsmen designers - ACE127.6
1983. Against the Grain. The Sapperton group of craftsmen designers - ACE127.6.

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