The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright - ACE129.5

1983. The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright - ACE129.5.

TitleThe Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright - ACE129.5

Taliesin. Wright rebuilt it again after it was struck by lightning. Exterior, interior, particularly of the living room and its furnishings. Wright was by now being hounded by the tabloids because of his domestic life. Though married to Miriam Noel in 1923, he took up with Olga Milanoff Hinzenberg, known as Olgivanna, wife of a Russian architect and a disciple of Gurdjieff. He divorced Miriam in 1927. Photos of Hinzenberg and Wright. Taliesin Fellowship founded 1932 in Hillside Home School, buildings originally designed for his aunts around 1887. Architectural drawing of Hillside School. Interior of the great drafting room with students at work. Wright at work; architectural design for Taliesin. Wright VO on how he doesn’t go near a drawing board until the details of his project are clear in his mind. Fallingwater, Bear Run, Pennsylvania, the house built in 1936 for Edgar Kaufmann, father of one of Wright’s students. Exterior and interior. Views at different times of the year. Woods around Fallingwater, Wright VO on "organic architecture", building the way nature builds, from the inside out. Administration Building for the Johnson Wax Company, Racine, Wisconsin, 1936, completed 1939. Exterior of brick and Pyrex tubing, interior Pyrex partitions. Original film of publicity stunt in which Wright loaded a slender concrete column with 60 tonnes of material to prove that the structure was strong enough. Photo of rows of columns supporting the roof of the communal working space. Curves of exterior and car port, reflecting car design of the day. The court. Glass walls. (Contemporary publicity film?) The Johnson Research Tower, 1944. Curved corners in brick and Pyrex. Corridor of glass tubes. Interior views of galleries and "the great work space". Contemporary photograph of exterior of complex showing administration building and research tower.

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The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright - ACE129.2
1983. The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright - ACE129.2.

The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright - ACE129.3
1983. The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright - ACE129.3.

The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright - ACE129.4
1983. The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright - ACE129.4.

The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright - ACE129.6
1983. The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright - ACE129.6.

The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright - ACE129.7
1983. The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright - ACE129.7.

The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright - ACE129.8
1983. The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright - ACE129.8.

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