Jeff Keen Films - ACE130.5

1983. Jeff Keen Films - ACE130.5.

TitleJeff Keen Films - ACE130.5

Covers of romantic and adventure fiction; Keen VO talking abut traditional Hollywood themes in White Dust. Keen on the mythopoeic: moral concepts and popular myths kept alive in popular culture. Dr Gaz n’existe pas! The masks. Faces of Hollywood actresses and actors. Keen’s own icons, ArtAce, Baby Jelly, the stars of Dr Gaz, Motler from Ray Day, etc. Mad Love: The Book of the Film, etc. Keen talking about Dr Gaz. New ideas for The Theatre of Dr Gaz. The burning hoarding. Keen’s VO on popular images. Keen working with Kino Blatz and other films projected on him. He leaves the studio. Credits.

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Jeff Keen Films - ACE130.2
1983. Jeff Keen Films - ACE130.2.

Jeff Keen Films - ACE130.3
1983. Jeff Keen Films - ACE130.3.

Jeff Keen Films - ACE130.4
1983. Jeff Keen Films - ACE130.4.

Jeff Keen Films - ACE130.6
1983. Jeff Keen Films - ACE130.6.

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