Grand Feu / High Fire. Survie d’une tradition / Survival of a tradition - ACE137.3

1984. Grand Feu / High Fire. Survie d’une tradition / Survival of a tradition - ACE137.3.

TitleGrand Feu / High Fire. Survie d’une tradition / Survival of a tradition - ACE137.3

Inspecting the interior of (caption) "Les Anges kiln; built 1600, last fired 1921.) by the light of a flaming torch. Caption: "Trois poteries / Three potteries." View of Puisaye and surroundings. Caption: "Poterie André Nault". Activities in the workshop: shaping nearly completed pieces, making a new one so large that it has to be constructed in three sections. VO talks about the difference in results produced by old wheels turned by hand and modern electric ones, and describes the normal throwing practices.

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Grand Feu / High Fire. Survie d’une tradition / Survival of a tradition - ACE137.2
1984. Grand Feu / High Fire. Survie d’une tradition / Survival of a tradition - ACE137.2.

Grand Feu / High Fire. Survie d’une tradition / Survival of a tradition - ACE137.4
1984. Grand Feu / High Fire. Survie d’une tradition / Survival of a tradition - ACE137.4.

Grand Feu / High Fire. Survie d’une tradition / Survival of a tradition - ACE137.5
1984. Grand Feu / High Fire. Survie d’une tradition / Survival of a tradition - ACE137.5.

Grand Feu / High Fire. Survie d’une tradition / Survival of a tradition - ACE137.6
1984. Grand Feu / High Fire. Survie d’une tradition / Survival of a tradition - ACE137.6.

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