Scenes & Songs from Boyd Webb - ACE148.2

1984. Scenes & Songs from Boyd Webb - ACE148.2.

TitleScenes & Songs from Boyd Webb - ACE148.2

Boyd Webb leaning against a wall. Small boys trying to look through the bars of a window of a large building. Boy singing over "Back and forth/Up and down…" Three boys crawl in under edge of cloth ring, climbing up to and jumping from wooden platform. They wrestle with each other, and throw things at a periscope "eye" that’s looking over the top of the ring. Webb comes out of greengrocer’s carrying cardoon. Woman with this and other vegetables on strings. Song "Some are noncommittal/ Others are luke-warm…" The vegetables sail to and fro through the air. Webb coming out of hardware shop with some candles. Large green velvet covered rotating mound. Webb standing on this rolling a cigarette, while toy jeeps, each carrying a candle at the top of a tall antenna, circle round him attached by strings to his ankles. Webb comes out of a door and shows "flesh-coloured tape" to the camera. Naked women, with ropes attached to their backs by the "flesh-coloured tape" crawls to and fro on rubber mounds. Their movements raise and lower a large wooden pole. Two naked men do the same. There are geese between the rubber mounds.

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Scenes & Songs from Boyd Webb - ACE148.3
1984. Scenes & Songs from Boyd Webb - ACE148.3.

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