Picturing Derry - ACE160.6

1985. Picturing Derry - ACE160.6.

TitlePicturing Derry - ACE160.6

Fox and Stevens looking at magazine images, "a bit of the world in miniature". "Conflict is seen as out there and foreign." Derry landscape. The Camerawork workers, talking about the reception their exhibition received from young people in London, some surprised at the ‘normality’ of life in Derry, while young Black people were able to identify with people who were being harassed by the police. The same exhibition at the art college in Farnham got a different reception: some of the audience considered the photographs to be ‘heavy’ and asked about scenery subjects. One of the Camerawork women points out that non-one can "be sure who’s hiding behind bushes and trees" – her husband was shot from ambush. Landscape. Mounting a photograph titled Unseen – to the Border; one called Undercover – by the River. Willie Doherty (artist, Derry) talking about the unseen being that which impinges most on one’s life. Photographs titled Surveillance, Stifling – Last Hours of Daylight, Shrouding Pervading – Fog Ice, The Sleep of Reason – Drizzle Overcast. Romantic images with underlying undercover activity. Surveillance is continual. R.U.C (photographer, Derry), official police photographer talking while he travels by car to a border checkpoint. He refuses to allow filming as they near it. Some official images:a general view of an area; photographer at work; views of the scene; evidential photographs. Man says people can be identified even if they’re wearing masks. Talks about dramatic photographs taken by photojournalists contrasting with the more "factual" material they gather themselves.

Web address (URL)https://player.bfi.org.uk/free/film/watch-picturing-derry-1985-online

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/v5v0z/picturing-derry-ace160-6

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1985. Picturing Derry - ACE160.2.

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1985. Picturing Derry - ACE160.4.

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1985. Picturing Derry - ACE160.5.

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1985. Picturing Derry - ACE160.7.

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