Cornelius Cardew 1936-1981 - ACE162.5

1986. Cornelius Cardew 1936-1981 - ACE162.5.

TitleCornelius Cardew 1936-1981 - ACE162.5

Score for The Great Learning. Tilbury describing The Great Learning. Excerpt from performance of The Great Learning in Union Chapel. Tilbury talking about The Great Learning as exemplifying the principles of collective music making. Eddy Prévost talking about looking for stones (required for a performance) in the Peak District. Tilbury talking about the response to the first performance of The Great Learning at the Cheltenham Music Festival. More from The Great Learning performance. Tilbury. Parts of Cardew’s score. Tilbury suggests that Cardew was bringing back a lost relationship between composer and performer.

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Cornelius Cardew 1936-1981 - ACE162.2
1986. Cornelius Cardew 1936-1981 - ACE162.2.

Cornelius Cardew 1936-1981 - ACE162.3
1986. Cornelius Cardew 1936-1981 - ACE162.3.

Cornelius Cardew 1936-1981 - ACE162.4
1986. Cornelius Cardew 1936-1981 - ACE162.4.

Cornelius Cardew 1936-1981 - ACE162.6
1986. Cornelius Cardew 1936-1981 - ACE162.6.

Cornelius Cardew 1936-1981 - ACE162.7
1986. Cornelius Cardew 1936-1981 - ACE162.7.

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