Invocation. Maya Deren - ACE167.7

1987. Invocation. Maya Deren - ACE167.7.

TitleInvocation. Maya Deren - ACE167.7

Excerpts from The Very Eye of Night. Brakhage describes it as a very religious film. Photographs of Deren; water, etc. Deren’s VO on improvisation in cinema, and on art and nature, her seashell collection. Mekas describing how Deren disapproved of "casual" film-making. Amos Vogel on Deren’s ideas about Mekas and his work. Brakhage on Deren in later life, heavily in debt; he thinks of her as an artist, "ignored, mistreated, hounded nearly to death…". Photograph of Ito in army uniform; letters from Deren. Ito’s VO on their marriage in 1960; photographs and related artefacts. Photograph of Deren; obituaries. Ito VO. Film of funeral. Haitian footage. Credits.

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Invocation. Maya Deren - ACE167.2
1987. Invocation. Maya Deren - ACE167.2.

Invocation. Maya Deren - ACE167.3
1987. Invocation. Maya Deren - ACE167.3.

Invocation. Maya Deren - ACE167.4
1987. Invocation. Maya Deren - ACE167.4.

Invocation. Maya Deren - ACE167.5
1987. Invocation. Maya Deren - ACE167.5.

Invocation. Maya Deren - ACE167.6
1987. Invocation. Maya Deren - ACE167.6.

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