Stones and Flies. Richard Long in the Sahara - ACE175.2

1988. Stones and Flies. Richard Long in the Sahara - ACE175.2.

TitleStones and Flies. Richard Long in the Sahara - ACE175.2

Richard Long walking past brick-maker, past group of resting camels, goats, on across desert. Walking to and fro, scuffing his feet to make a straight line on the surface. VO "A journey is a meandering line. To walk straight, up and down many times to make a dusty line, makes a sculpture." Long continues his journey. The sculpture, Dusty Boots Line (1988). Long talking about the kinds of landscapes that attract him. Long building a sculpture from small rocks and sitting inside the space. Sahara Circle (1988). His VO talking about his relationship with the works. Long walking across rocky landscape. His VO describes sculptures as "stopping points on a journey

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Stones and Flies. Richard Long in the Sahara - ACE175.3
1988. Stones and Flies. Richard Long in the Sahara - ACE175.3.

Stones and Flies. Richard Long in the Sahara - ACE175.4
1988. Stones and Flies. Richard Long in the Sahara - ACE175.4.

Stones and Flies. Richard Long in the Sahara - ACE175.5
1988. Stones and Flies. Richard Long in the Sahara - ACE175.5.

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