Daughters of de Beauvoir - ACE182.5

1989. Daughters of de Beauvoir - ACE182.5.

TitleDaughters of de Beauvoir - ACE182.5

Photographs of de Beauvoir and Claude Lanzmann. Her words over on giving up "certain aspects of love" after the age of 40, but, though promising herself that she "would dutifully retire to the shelf", she did not. A Very Easy Death (Une mort très douce, 1964), de Beauvoir’s book about her mother’s death; excerpt read over. Photographs of de Beauvoir with her mother; copies of the book in several languages. Film of de Beauvoir with Sylvie Le Bon de Beauvoir; her description of their relationship read over. Sylvie Le Bon de Beauvoir, Adopted Daughter of Simone, shows photographs and other memorabilia in de Beauvoir’s studio. She talks about their relationship, saying that de Beauvoir thought all relationships were possible. She says that de Beauvoir enjoyed the company of feminists but did not agree with separatist politics, and that Sartre was a feminist even though his treatment of women was "old-fashioned", and was very encouraging of de Beauvoir when she wrote The Second Sex. Interview with Sartre and de Beauvoir in which he talks about feminism and his agreement with its principles, though he wonders if the struggle for separatism is correct; de Beauvoir says he may agree with the principles but he does not share "what is called ‘the lived experience’ of women" which is why she and Sylvie and can both "attack" him. De Beauvoir says that their relationship has always come before any relationships they’ve had with other people. She talks about her reasons for not having children.

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Daughters of de Beauvoir - ACE182.2
1989. Daughters of de Beauvoir - ACE182.2.

Daughters of de Beauvoir - ACE182.3
1989. Daughters of de Beauvoir - ACE182.3.

Daughters of de Beauvoir - ACE182.4
1989. Daughters of de Beauvoir - ACE182.4.

Daughters of de Beauvoir - ACE182.6
1989. Daughters of de Beauvoir - ACE182.6.

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