Word of Mouth 3 - ACE215.3

1990. Word of Mouth 3 - ACE215.3.

TitleWord of Mouth 3 - ACE215.3

Hegley recites Pat and introduces Basil Bunting. Roger Lloyd Pack reciting the introduction of John Keats’s Endymion. VO continues over film of Basil Bunting at home. Film of Basil Bunting pointing out that "Standard English" is a relatively recent construction. He relates anecdotes regarding William Wordsworth’s pronunciation, and says that his poetry should be read with the broad vowels of a Cumbrian accent. The sound of poetry must be "right". Stonemason carving inscription; VO Bunting reciting some of Briggflatts and talking about writing this as his autobiography. [All this section is taken from Arts Council film, Basil Bunting (Peter Bell, 1982).] Hegley identifies the material used in the preceding section, and sings Armadillo. Credits.

Web address (URL)https://player.bfi.org.uk/free

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Word of Mouth 3 - ACE215.2
1990. Word of Mouth 3 - ACE215.2.

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