Word of Mouth 5 - ACE217.4

1990. Word of Mouth 5 - ACE217.4.

TitleWord of Mouth 5 - ACE217.4

[The following all appears to be footage from 1988.] Rotterdam. Jules Deelder announcing, from a refuse lorry, events of that evening. Hegley VO reading short poems over shots of the Park on the Nieuwe Maas, crowds, balloons. Deelder. The festival poster. Refuse lorries painted with short quotations such as "The poem is a message" (Deelder), "Let the earth always be clear and always clear the sky" (Rafael Alberti). Yehuda Amichai. Diane Ozon, Lawrence Raab, Vyacheslav Kuprianov (with Nizametdin Akhmetov beside him?), and James Fenton performing. Deelder making announcements. Shu Ting performing. Deelder. Lawrence Raab performing. Audience. Tomaz Salamun performing. Deelder. Audience. Zbigniew Herbert. Francis Bebey. Wole Soyinka. Hawad. The Park. Bei Dao introduced. Bei Dao performing The Snow Line. VO scenes in the Park. Hegley VO shots of Rotterdam reading translation. Credits.

Web address (URL)https://player.bfi.org.uk/free

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/v5vvv/word-of-mouth-5-ace217-4

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Word of Mouth 5 - ACE217.2
1990. Word of Mouth 5 - ACE217.2.

Word of Mouth 5 - ACE217.3
1990. Word of Mouth 5 - ACE217.3.

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