Word of Mouth 7 - ACE219.2

1990. Word of Mouth 7 - ACE219.2.

TitleWord of Mouth 7 - ACE219.2

John Hegley sings My Doggie Don’t Wear Glasses and introduction to the programme. Francis Bebey playing the ndewhoo (Pygmy flute) and singing (not translated). Hegley reads Seeing the Sea. Silent film featuring Vladimir Mayakovsky, with recording of his voice over. Edwin Morgan and Hegley talking about Mayakovsky’s work. Morgan recites his translation into Scottish dialect of one of Mayakovky’s poems over another scene from the film. Hegley introduces Herman Hessian. Morgan reads An Addition to the Family.

Web address (URL)https://player.bfi.org.uk/free

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/v5vvy/word-of-mouth-7-ace219-2

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Word of Mouth 7 - ACE219.3
1990. Word of Mouth 7 - ACE219.3.

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