Birmingham is What I Think With - ACE226.4

1991. Birmingham is What I Think With - ACE226.4.

TitleBirmingham is What I Think With - ACE226.4

Canal scenes. Fisher VO explains that his childhood occupied a "very narrow space", without much reference to the middle of the city, three miles from the city away. Fisher VO "Abstracted water, captive for a while, becomes abstract". Gas holder. Derelict industrial buildings and other canal-side scenes. Fisher VO talking about how knowing what some of these buildings were for didn’t have much impact: it was their size and shape that meant most, particularly, as they weren’t as visible or impressive from the road. Fisher VO "Nothing much fronts the canal. Where buildings on a street stare you out, here it’s you who do the looking". Fisher, on canal boat, on his views on poetry as a medium. Fisher reciting "I like being tired". More canal-side scenes. Fisher says he believes that interpersonal relationships are only a small part of existence; he specialises in relationships between people and their surroundings. Fisher lying on seat in the Bullring next to his door. Carrying the door through crowds. Street and canal scenes. Clip of John Slater in army uniform, trying to thumb a lift. Piano shop. Under motorway. Working class woman and children from When We Build Again (1944). Fisher and the door. Fisher reciting "I want to remark formally, indeed stiffly, and not complaining, that the place where I was raised had no longer deference for water".

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Birmingham is What I Think With - ACE226.2
1991. Birmingham is What I Think With - ACE226.2.

Birmingham is What I Think With - ACE226.3
1991. Birmingham is What I Think With - ACE226.3.

Birmingham is What I Think With - ACE226.5
1991. Birmingham is What I Think With - ACE226.5.

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