The Fires Within. Grazia Deledda 1871-1936 - ACE230.4

1991. The Fires Within. Grazia Deledda 1871-1936 - ACE230.4.

TitleThe Fires Within. Grazia Deledda 1871-1936 - ACE230.4

Reconstruction of visit by journalist and critic, Stanis Manca, from Rome. Commentary quotes his words about her. Deledda writing. Quote from a letter to her publisher about wanting to create a body of work that is wholly Sardinian. Deledda and mother walking in the hills. Her words over talking about the possibility leaving Sardinia. Family tragedies: a brother imprisoned for theft, the death of her father, another brother going insane after spending her mother’s savings. Young Deledda supervising agricultural work on their property, and administering family affairs. Going to church. Men dressed as animals dance in town square. Other dancers. Deledda published description of dances, songs and local customs in Rivista delle Tradizioni popolari Italiane. Men and women dancing. "Who knows? Folklore may do more for Sardinia than politicians!"

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The Fires Within. Grazia Deledda 1871-1936 - ACE230.2
1991. The Fires Within. Grazia Deledda 1871-1936 - ACE230.2.

The Fires Within. Grazia Deledda 1871-1936 - ACE230.3
1991. The Fires Within. Grazia Deledda 1871-1936 - ACE230.3.

The Fires Within. Grazia Deledda 1871-1936 - ACE230.5
1991. The Fires Within. Grazia Deledda 1871-1936 - ACE230.5.

The Fires Within. Grazia Deledda 1871-1936 - ACE230.6
1991. The Fires Within. Grazia Deledda 1871-1936 - ACE230.6.

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