Joseph Cornell. Worlds in a Box - ACE231.7

1991. Joseph Cornell. Worlds in a Box - ACE231.7.

TitleJoseph Cornell. Worlds in a Box - ACE231.7

Bryant Square, street scenes; film of young woman, Joyce Hunter; Cornell. Burkhardt talking about this woman who eventually came to work with Cornell but stole some boxes from him; he arranged for her funeral after she was killed. Film of Hunter. Street scenes. VO Cornell’s words over. Folder of photographs of women. Use of such picture in Cornell’s boxes. Sontag’s VO about use of photograph of her from the dust jacket of The Benefactor in his box, The Ellipsian, and about visiting Cornell with her son, David. Photographs of Sontag with Cornell. Her VO about Cornell’s asexual childlike qualities. The Utopia Parkway house. Photographs. Some of Cornell’s boxes. Photograph of Cornell. Cornell’s words VO. Caption: "Joseph Cornell died as his home in Utopia Parkway on December 29th 1972 aged 69." Credits.

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Joseph Cornell. Worlds in a Box - ACE231.2
1991. Joseph Cornell. Worlds in a Box - ACE231.2.

Joseph Cornell. Worlds in a Box - ACE231.3
1991. Joseph Cornell. Worlds in a Box - ACE231.3.

Joseph Cornell. Worlds in a Box - ACE231.4
1991. Joseph Cornell. Worlds in a Box - ACE231.4.

Joseph Cornell. Worlds in a Box - ACE231.5
1991. Joseph Cornell. Worlds in a Box - ACE231.5.

Joseph Cornell. Worlds in a Box - ACE231.6
1991. Joseph Cornell. Worlds in a Box - ACE231.6.

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