Carlo Levi Stopped Here - ACE243.5

1993. Carlo Levi Stopped Here - ACE243.5.

TitleCarlo Levi Stopped Here - ACE243.5

Extract from Christ Stopped at Eboli with Levi saying goodbye to a visitor and then surrounded by local children. VO of Stefano Levi della Torre explaining that, in fact, this exile was one of the happiest times of his life. Levi della Torre says that Levi rediscovered links with the old world his father had come from, and "a love for the ancient, irrational and mythical". Photograph of Ercole with very young Carlo. Cemetery. Levi’s words over describing the character’s meeting with a gravedigger. Original 1930s footage of military aircraft, bombings, troops marching, etc.
Extract from Christ Stopped at Eboli with peasants listening to announcement of capture of Addis Ababa. Aliano. Photograph of Levi and others. Levi’s words over talking about political prisoners being freed as the result of the celebratory amnesty. He didn’t leave immediately. Foa describes meeting Levi again in 1945 in Rome. Film of a column of peasants with donkey carts. Commentary on how the issue of "the South" rose to the top of the political agenda. Cover of Cristo se è fermato a Eboli. Commentary says that Levi became a major protagonist in the debate about the South. Russo explains that Levi’s views on how to solve the problem were at variance with both those of the Left and the government. Film of Levi at work on sketches for a portrait. Russo VO. Levi’s words describing how some of his friends were completely incapable of – and not interested in – trying to understand. Film of Southern town. Film of Southern men arriving by train in the North. Foa’s VO explaining that this "emptying" of the South has had profound effects on Italian society. Extract from Rocco and His Brothers (Luchino Visconti, 1960). The brothers arriving at their new home in Milan, watched by women who describe them as "Africans". Labourers digging roads. Anti-migrant graffiti. Foa VO. The Lega Lombarda rally. Foa VO. Foa describing how the North is tending to reject the South as a drain on its own wealth. VO continues, over contemporary film of Southern town with relatively affluent people, pointing out that the South has made huge efforts in recent years. Aliano. Levi’s tombstone. Photograph of Levi and peasant. Foa VO. Foa pointing out that Levi taught Italians from industrial town that they, too, had peasant ancestors, and taught the value of memory in effecting change. Floats passing through crowded streets in a religious procession. Credits.

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Carlo Levi Stopped Here - ACE243.2
1993. Carlo Levi Stopped Here - ACE243.2.

Carlo Levi Stopped Here - ACE243.3
1993. Carlo Levi Stopped Here - ACE243.3.

Carlo Levi Stopped Here - ACE243.4
1993. Carlo Levi Stopped Here - ACE243.4.

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