Two Autumns. Futatsu no Aki. The work of Andy Goldsworthy in Scotland and Japan - ACE248.6

1992. Two Autumns. Futatsu no Aki. The work of Andy Goldsworthy in Scotland and Japan - ACE248.6.

TitleTwo Autumns. Futatsu no Aki. The work of Andy Goldsworthy in Scotland and Japan - ACE248.6

A yellow leaf "sheet" hanging from a branch. Caption: "MIDDAYS. Shogo." Goldsworthy on Scottish hillside, building limestone cairn. His VO talks about the tension of the shape he’s building, and whether or not it will hold together. Wants it to be completed as the day ends. Landscape, and limestone wall and arch. A dry-stone waller at work; his VO talking about basic set of rules for building a wall, working to a plan; that Goldsworthy produces completely new shapes. Goldsworthy in Japan, surrounding a rock with dead branches; his VO talking about the different relationship between trees and mountains in Japan and Britain. Trees on Japanese mountainside. Goldsworthy VO says that the relationship between wood and stone in Japan is a very powerful one. Goldsworthy working with the help of a young Japanese man. Sheep being dipped. Farmer’s children. Farmer’s VO talking of autumn as a very busy time of year. Goldsworthy pinning together a line of green leaves and floating them; line of yellow leaves floating along; green leaf line moving with current and being torn up by slight downwards flow. Goldsworthy VO talks of the difference in current now and when he made a similar line earlier in the year. Blacksmith at work, shaping horseshoe, shoeing horse. Smith’s VO talking about requirements to do his job properly, how he met Goldsworthy, and how he admires his work. The yellow leaf "sheet" now more brown. Japanese priests throwing rice to crowds. Goldsworthy throws armful of leaves into the air. Japanese workmen taking lunch break. Goldsworthy and his assistant stopping for their lunch. Wood-surrounded rock; Goldsworthy VO says he doesn’t want any of the sticks to actually touch the rock. The finished work will depend in part on how many sticks he can collect in a day. Bringing limestone pieces to the cairn. Goldsworthy VO says he likes the idea of growing old and not dying young, like a piece of work collapsing before it’s finished. Scottish cemetery, funeral. Goldsworthy VO talking about a rhythm in life, in nature. Goldsworthy in water, floating a construction of hogweed stalks around a rock. Goldsworthy VO interested in rhythm, not pattern; the shapes are being partly formed by the current.

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Two Autumns. Futatsu no Aki. The work of Andy Goldsworthy in Scotland and Japan - ACE248.2
1992. Two Autumns. Futatsu no Aki. The work of Andy Goldsworthy in Scotland and Japan - ACE248.2.

Two Autumns. Futatsu no Aki. The work of Andy Goldsworthy in Scotland and Japan - ACE248.3
1992. Two Autumns. Futatsu no Aki. The work of Andy Goldsworthy in Scotland and Japan - ACE248.3.

Two Autumns. Futatsu no Aki. The work of Andy Goldsworthy in Scotland and Japan - ACE248.4
1992. Two Autumns. Futatsu no Aki. The work of Andy Goldsworthy in Scotland and Japan - ACE248.4.

Two Autumns. Futatsu no Aki. The work of Andy Goldsworthy in Scotland and Japan - ACE248.5
1992. Two Autumns. Futatsu no Aki. The work of Andy Goldsworthy in Scotland and Japan - ACE248.5.

Two Autumns. Futatsu no Aki. The work of Andy Goldsworthy in Scotland and Japan - ACE248.7
1992. Two Autumns. Futatsu no Aki. The work of Andy Goldsworthy in Scotland and Japan - ACE248.7.

Two Autumns. Futatsu no Aki. The work of Andy Goldsworthy in Scotland and Japan - ACE248.8
1992. Two Autumns. Futatsu no Aki. The work of Andy Goldsworthy in Scotland and Japan - ACE248.8.

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