Kitaj. In the picture - ACE284.3

1994. Kitaj. In the picture - ACE284.3.

TitleKitaj. In the picture - ACE284.3

Kitaj on "cruising" for girls. Photograph of car. Driving over Brooklyn Bridge. The SS Corona. Sea. Extract from The Long Voyage Home (1940). Kitaj on going to a brothel in Havana. Kitaj’s VO over The First Time [Havana]; Kitaj’s coastguard ID card. The Second Time [Vera Cruz], The Third Time [Savannah]; two other paintings. Women & Men, inspired by Young Spartans Exercising (1860-1880) by Degas. Caption: " Manhattan". Street scenes. Kitaj on living in New York. Greenwich Village, a place he often goes back to. He points out images of himself in the painting. Caption: "Europe". Footage of passengers disembarking at Cherbourg. Train journey. Kitaj VO over on taking the Orient Express to Vienna. Extract from The Third Man (1949).

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Kitaj. In the picture - ACE284.2
1994. Kitaj. In the picture - ACE284.2.

Kitaj. In the picture - ACE284.4
1994. Kitaj. In the picture - ACE284.4.

Kitaj. In the picture - ACE284.5
1994. Kitaj. In the picture - ACE284.5.

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