Temp’est - ACE316.2

1994. Temp’est - ACE316.2.

TitleTemp’est - ACE316.2

"These events are not natural. They strengthen from strange to stranger." Island. Water at cliff edge. Rocks. Woman’s VO reading from The Tempest. Set representing wrecked ship. Woman singing. Rough seas. Man swimming. Dead leaves, bracken. Muddy shallows. Woman singing. Wrecked ship set. Real wreck in shallows. Superimposing of set/singer and other images.

Web address (URL)https://player.bfi.org.uk/free

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/v5wwq/temp-est-ace316-2

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Temp’est - ACE316.3
1994. Temp’est - ACE316.3.

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