Blight - ACE317.2

1996. Blight - ACE317.2.

TitleBlight - ACE317.2

Images of derelict and partly ruined houses. Woman’s voice heard intermittently throughout calling two children. Houses being demolished; fragments of conversations over including "We are sorry. We are sorry we’ve got to knock your house down. We are sorry we’ve got to move your mother. We are sorry we’ve got to destroy this community." Leaves on tree blown by wind; voices repeating "can’t remember, remember". Exteriors of houses surrounded by corrugated iron, windows filled up with breeze blocks, etc. More scenes of houses being demolished. Corrugated iron with vehicles passing between it and camera. A gravel pile, intercut with shots of corrugated iron and traffic; anti-road building graffiti. The growth of motorways. Credits.

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