1 in a Million - ACE345.2

1996. 1 in a Million - ACE345.2.

Title1 in a Million - ACE345.2

Little girl in bed, playing while her mother tries to write music. Mother eats toast, doodles notes among the crumbs. Girl comes to her mother. They both eat toast, spread jam on the manuscript paper, draw, doodle. Woman transposes notes on keyboard into lottery numbers. Woman driving; channel hops on car radio; watches what’s going on in shops she passes. She buys a lottery ticket and other shopping in a supermarket, and gets a parking ticket. While she drives home, her daughter drops the lottery ticket out of the window and it’s picked up by the traffic warden. Unpacking the shopping. While she’s making lunch, a bag of peas splits open and the contents falls all over the kitchen, making a variety of noises. She uses the sounds to produce another lottery ticket number. The woman takes her daughter to the Little Angel Theatre, Islington. The woman and her daughter watch the lottery draw. The number of her first ticket comes up, much to the delight of the traffic warden. Credits.

Web address (URL)https://player.bfi.org.uk/free

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/v5wzv/1-in-a-million-ace345-2

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