Colour - ACE351.3

1997. Colour - ACE351.3.

TitleColour - ACE351.3

Mixing oil paint – pigment, oil and wax – by hand and mechanically. Reconstruction of mediaeval studio where paints are being put into pigs bladders for storage. The nineteenth-century metal tube which superseded them; reconstruction of painter leaving his studio to work out of doors. This led to the possibility of Impressionism and other modern styles. Reconstruction of Claude Monet (who, as VO explains, "thought that if you looked hard enough at Nature, you’d see only colour") painting in a rowing boat. Some of his many paintings of water lilies. Redfern looking at her painting. She explains that she felt that the colours were "making the mood of the picture quite violent", and that she’s after something softer. She continues to paint. Her VO suggests that her paintings evolve and that she discovers things in them as she goes along. She expresses her irritation with it by throwing something at the canvas. Paint tubes. Reconstruction of Vincent van Gogh at work on The Night Café in the Place Lamartine in Arles (Le Café de Nuit, Place Lamartine, Arles) (1888). VO says that the idea of using bold colours to express strong emotions began in the nineteenth century; van Gogh hoped that his clashing colours would express his violent distaste for the café. Redfern completing her painting. Her VO explains that her work expresses feelings; she comments on her feelings for Venice. She talks as she paints: colour is "a very psychological thing". Venice scenes. VO talks about the work of Mark Rothko as "pushing to the limits" the attempt to "reflect feelings through colour". Examples of his work, originally intended for the Four Seasons restaurant, New York, in the Tate Gallery, London. VO says that Rothko wanted the viewers to feel claustrophobic because he didn’t like the restaurant. Redfern and her painting, though she’s not sure it’s entirely finished. She says she has been trying to get the feel of Venice, with the shifting light and water, as well as make a painting that is harmonious and full of well-being. Credits.

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Colour - ACE351.2
1997. Colour - ACE351.2.

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