Light - ACE353.3

1997. Light - ACE353.3.

TitleLight - ACE353.3

Landscape painters have a much more difficult task. Tabner on his way to Staffa, setting up his easel on the boat. His VO talking about how he works, using water colour and pastel on wet paper, with a large brush to facilitate working very quickly. Commentary suggests that Tabner’s work is allied to the 19th century Romantic movement. Staffa was "a Mecca for composers, poets and painters. Sketches by J. M W. Turner. Reconstruction of him painting Staffa in his studio. The completed painting. Tabner VO admires Turner for his ability to remember impressions. Commentary points out that Turner rearranged some of the objects in his painting, thus heightening the sense of drama. Greenwood putting the finishing touches to his painting, representing the light reflecting from one object to another, and darkening the shadows. He is trying to produce an atmosphere of "an uneasy stillness", where the viewer has to work at identifying the less visible objects.

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Light - ACE353.2
1997. Light - ACE353.2.

Light - ACE353.4
1997. Light - ACE353.4.

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