Portrait - ACE355.3

1997. Portrait - ACE355.3.

TitlePortrait - ACE355.3

Portraits. Commentary points out that painters didn’t always tailor poses to the individual. Reconstruction of Peter Lely in his studio creating a template, with a posed model, that could be reproduced in quantity. An actual sitter’s face would be painted into the template. Schierenberg in his studio; he explains that he’s decided on one particular photograph to use as his main source as it captures the characteristic "awkwardness" of his sitter. He blocks in the main areas of the painting and will refine details later. Portrait of the gracefully posed Arthur Goodwin by Antony Van Dyck. Another of his elegant portraits. Reconstruction of 17th century painter arranging sitter in similar style, using strings to support their arms. Reconstruction of Joshua Reynolds allowing his sitters to relax naturally. Reynolds’s painting of Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire and her Daughter, Lady Georgiana Cavendish (1874). Schierenberg working on the head of his portrait. His VO describing how its developing, and how some portraits may be beautiful as paintings but suddenly don’t look like their subject. East London. Chatsworth House, Derbyshire. Rembrandt’s Portrait of an Old Man in Period Costume (1651). Schierenberg shows how the artist has combined tiny patches of colour to construct a "solid" head. Details from other Chatsworth portraits.

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Portrait - ACE355.2
1997. Portrait - ACE355.2.

Portrait - ACE355.4
1997. Portrait - ACE355.4.

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