Brad Lochore Meets Anya Hurlbert / Chris Ofili Meets Anthony Ismond - ACE359.3

1997. Brad Lochore Meets Anya Hurlbert / Chris Ofili Meets Anthony Ismond - ACE359.3.

TitleBrad Lochore Meets Anya Hurlbert / Chris Ofili Meets Anthony Ismond - ACE359.3

Some of Chris Ofili’s paintings. Ofili in his studio, working, and talking about how he listens to hip-hop music all day long, and about the materials he uses. More of his paintings. Wormwood Scrubs prison. Hip-hop fan Anthony Ismond, known as Tiswas, has agreed to have a piece of art made for his cell. He explains why. Ofili goes into the prison. He and Ismond meet in the cell. Ismond explains why he’s in prison, and how much he likes hip-hop. Ofili at work, and talking about their meeting, saying he’s not sure what he’s going to do. Ismond working weights in the prison gymnasium; VO says the experience has helped him. Ofili going to the zoo to get some elephant dung. VO talks about his trip to Zimbabwe; the use of elephant dung came out of this trip. Ismond exercising and in his cell. Ofili in his studio, musing on how Ismond will receive his work, and explaining his ideas on "decoration". The finished painting being carried in to the prison, and into Ismond’s cell. Ismond brings some of his mates in to look at it; Ofili joins them. Ofili talking about the experience. Ismond comment on the painting. Credits over shot of painting.

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Brad Lochore Meets Anya Hurlbert / Chris Ofili Meets Anthony Ismond - ACE359.2
1997. Brad Lochore Meets Anya Hurlbert / Chris Ofili Meets Anthony Ismond - ACE359.2.

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