Surviving Sabu - ACE366.3

1997. Surviving Sabu - ACE366.3.

TitleSurviving Sabu - ACE366.3

Extract from The Thief of Bagdad. Father and son argue about Sabu’s early death which Amin attributes to his adult rejection by the film industry because of racism. Sadru tells Amin to leave the house. Amin and Sadru intercut, each saying what they’ve learned from the other, particularly about the former’s homosexuality. Extract from The Jungle Book; Sadru watching the film on television. Amin joins him. They quote dialogue from the film. Sadru agrees to complete the film about Sabu. They watch The Thief of Bagdad projected on an outdoor screen; extract. Credits.

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Surviving Sabu - ACE366.2
1997. Surviving Sabu - ACE366.2.

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