R.I.P - ACE383.2

2000. R.I.P - ACE383.2.

TitleR.I.P - ACE383.2

Funeral procession. Mourners saluting coffins of their parents. After the wake. Sons fight on staircase. Daughter comforted by her boyfriend. Elder son is upset by their behaviour and plays old record. Younger son remembering father’s military connections. Boyfriend being irreverent. Daughter joins him. They clear the table energetically, breaking crockery, and tie up elder son in disintegrating curtains. Younger son finds erotic photographs of his parents. The parents’ photographs smashes. Everyone settles down. Credits.

Web address (URL)https://player.bfi.org.uk/free

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/v5x4v/r-i-p-ace383-2

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