Tus Ojos Negros. Your Dark Eyes - ACE385.2

2000. Tus Ojos Negros. Your Dark Eyes - ACE385.2.

TitleTus Ojos Negros. Your Dark Eyes - ACE385.2

Spanish radio broadcast. Photographs. Elderly woman hums while taking dress out of wardrobe. Middle-aged woman wearing same dress dancing with her husband to the same music. Their younger selves fighting. Middle-aged couple continue dancing. Young couple dancing. Elderly woman with another dress. Two girls dancing together watched by boy who cuts in. The young couple; occasional shot of the children. Elderly woman, wearing the first dress, dances by herself. Credits.

Web address (URL)https://player.bfi.org.uk/free

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/v5x4x/tus-ojos-negros-your-dark-eyes-ace385-2

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