The Homecoming. A short film about Ajamu - ACE418.3

1995. The Homecoming. A short film about Ajamu - ACE418.3.

TitleThe Homecoming. A short film about Ajamu - ACE418.3

Ajamu’s mother, Mrs Cockburn. Hall’s VO talking about the importance of home. Mrs Cockburn on Ajamu telling her that he is gay. Ajamu on the street. His VO on his feelings about Brixton before he moved there. Street scenes. Hall VO on the image of Brixton as being a place of "hard-edged black masculinity". Photographs. Hall saying that Ajamu must be aware of the kinds of "looks" he invokes in the spectator. Various VOs, including Ajamu’s, on Brixton. Dramatised sequence of young black man shouting abuse at gay man. Photographs of Ajamu in blonde wig. His VO and Mercer’s talking about the "fun" in his photographs. Hall’s VO on Ajamu and "performance" and dressing up. They discuss Ajamu’s work as risky explorations, no longer simple dichotomies of good/bad, positive/negative, etc., and consequently capable of producing racist and homophobic responses. Ajamu driven away in a chauffered limousine. Arrives at King’s Cross to find Michael angry at being kept waiting. The exhibition. Sonya Boyce talking about the energy in Ajamu’s work and the emotions it touches. Mercer VO on Ajamu exploring issues that are taboo in black culture. Davis A. Bailey on Ajamu bringing politically marginalised topics into a public arena. Ajamu’s VO saying that the images are "his" fantasies and desires, unrelated to any white ideas. Hall talking about crossing ideas of race with those of sexuality. Ajamu VO saying that his name means "he fights for what he believes" and that he lives his name. Credits.

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The Homecoming. A short film about Ajamu - ACE418.2
1995. The Homecoming. A short film about Ajamu - ACE418.2.

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